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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Healthy Holidays; To Buy, or Not to Buy Toys?

To buy, or not to buy toys? Is a question that many parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and consumers in general are pondering this holiday season.

Eighty percent of toys are made in China, and sent to America. Unfortunately, with all of the massive toy recalls due to the poisonous lead found in the toys, many consumers are scrambling to find safe alternatives to the more popular toys that children request during the holiday season.

The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), has lists that consumers can check before purchasing toys. Moreover, Consumers can check with parent magazines, and research online ( for toys before shopping.
Some gift ideas for children:
  • Books
  • Clothes
  • Music
  • Educational Computer Games
  • Watches
  • Cameras
  • Board Games
  • Dolls and Stuffed Animals

There is good news nonetheless. American toy manufacturing companies, and small toy shops are working to make safe toys for America.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Extra, Extra, Eat Extra Apples

Healthy Apples

The old adage of "eating an apple a day, will keep the doctor away" may be a way of decreasing the risk of cancer.

The news from Cornell University's research studies, and experiments state that eating one apple a day could reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 17%. Moreover, eating three apples could decrease the risk by 39%, and eating six apples a day decrease the risk by 44%.

Researcher Rui Hai Liu, a Cornell associate professor of Food Science analyzed the peels of 230 lbs. of red delicious apples. He found many compounds. These compounds have "potent anti-proliferative activities against human breast, colon, and liver cancer." These compounds are "apple polyphenols."

Furthermore, the laboratory study on the rats that were given the apple polyphenols, showed, that the polyphenols, not only fought cancer cells, but decreased the number of tumors as well.

This is great news, and keen knowledge. If you think that you may find it difficult eating 3-6 apples a day, try a juicing machine. I have an old machine, but I am going to upgrade to Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer. LaLanne's Power Juicer allows you to put in whole fruit without cutting.

Monday, October 08, 2007

"It's My Anniversary" - Blog

Healthy Life Style
Well -Being

It was October 2006, when I wrote my first Blog. I am back after a short hiatus from an injury sustained, while working this past May. I was unable to play tennis, walk five miles a day, or jog. Moreover, I could not enjoy my friends as I normally do in the summer months. However, it was from the Grace of God, past yoga exercises, and following my wonderful doctor's instructions, that I was able to make a remarkable comeback!

One thing that I was able to do, nonetheless, was to plug in my computer, telephone, and the Internet, and produce streams of income via my virtual part-time business. "When a door closes, a window opens." Thus, well-being.

I have decided to keep my healthy living topics, and offset by writing about topics from A-Z. Thank you for reading my Blog, and please feel free to comment as usual.

K. Ray


Saturday, February 03, 2007

How to Build Muscle and Tone the Body Without Weights?

Healthy LifeSyle

Take the supplement Colostrum. Colostrum has many health benefits. It can enhance lean muscle mass, increase metabolism of body fat, and boost the immune system. Colostrum promotes healing in the body, grows hair and nails. Moreover, there is evidence of anti- aging properties as well. To read about all of the benefits of Colostrum search the Internet.

What is Colostrum? "Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid product by all female mammals prior to giving birth." Colostrum is processed into a premium quality organic first milking bovine colostrum form of powders, creams, and capsules.

Most health food stores carry the capsules, and orders can be placed online. I have taken the capsules that have 1,000 mg. colostum in one capsule. The cost of the top of the line brand runs about $24.00 for about 60 capsules. per bottle. You will see results after the second bottle.

Finally, please remember to check with your doctor before taking any supplements. Even if you are like me, and just take vitamins, check with your doctor.

Keeping you abreast of the secrets to a healthy lifestyle.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What's New in the Year 2007?

For centuries Queens have ruled countries. Two examples are Queen Elizabeth II. of the United Kingdom shown to the left, and Queen Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt (shown to the right), who ruled with her husband King Akhenaten.
It is in my editoral opinion, that I wonder why there is so much political chatter about Sen. Hillary Clinton's bid to run for the presidency of the United States of America. Yes, there are the obvious reasons. However, I am in deed, somewhat excited at the idea of a female president. Nonetheless, there are several interesting candidates in the race for the presidency. All of whom have unique styles and backgrounds.
Therefore, I hope that all of the candidates, given the due process of the democratic nomination, will be selected by the "content of their character," to quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and not by their age, race, creed, color or gender.
Finally, May the best candidate be elected!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Peaceful Message to My Readers

"Peace on Earth; Good Will to All Men"

I would like to take time out, and thank all of my readers around the world for reading my Blog.

Equally, I would like to thank the U.S. Troops around the world for their strength and courage.

K. Ray
Image Rainbow -

Saturday, December 02, 2006

If Exercise is Not For You; Then Eat Slowly

Health, Food, and Nutrition

If exercising is not for you; then eating slowly is the proven thing to do.
For years our mothers told us, and etiquette taught us to eat slowly. The idea of eating slowly is common knowledge. However, now it is keen knowledge because of Dr. Kathleen Melanson, assistant professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Rhode Island.

Dr. Melanson conducted laboratory studies on young college women, and the results were reported in October 2006, at the meeting of the North American Association for the study of Obesity. The study stated that the women ate large servings of pasta. In the first trial, the women ate quickly, and in nine minutes the women consumed 646 calories.

In the second trial, the women were told to pause between bites, and chew at least 15 - 20 times. The women ate in 29 minutes. The slower eaters consumed just 579 calories. Moreover, the women who ate slower felt greater satisfaction and enjoyed the meal more.

In the year 2007, more studies will be conducted among other groups to find out if eating slower will produce the same results.
For more information on the research go to:
Source: University of Rhode Island (News and Events)
Image: (rack of lamb)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Holiday? - Part IV.

Healthy Holidays

Look Younger and Stay Healthy; Exercise

It is a few days after Thanksgiving, and thankfully here in Michigan the weather was mild. The weather was great for jogging, shopping, walking, raking leaves, or putting up outdoor holiday decorations. However, the forecast is calling for lower temperatures and seasonal weather.

How do you stay in shape during the holidays, and the winter months? If you do not belong to a health club, or if jogging in extreme temperatures does not appeal to you, stay indoors and work out.

Did you know that just 30 minutes of daily exercise six days a week could stave of the extra pounds, and keep you healthy during the holidays? Moreover, exercise can boost the immune system, therefore cutting down on colds and viruses.

If you have a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptic cycle etc. start now. Exercise 30 minutes each day, and increase the time to 60 minutes as your stamina increases. In addition, use weights to build strong bones and muscles.

If you do not have exercise equipment in your home, I recommend the following exercise videos:

· First, I suggest Yoga Stretches” By Priscilla Patrick. I have worked out with Priscilla Patrick for years. Priscilla can also be seen on Public TV early mornings. For more information visit Note: Stretching before any exercise is suggested; Stretching in the mornings gives energy and prepares the body for the day.

· Second, if you really need to burn calories, build stamina, or get rid of the stress of the day try: Billy Blanks "Ultimate Boot Camp" Series. The series is a powerful and fast way to tone up and lose weight. Note: Take your time with the kicks and punching. You will be able to keep up the second, or third time working out with the videos.

· Third, Winsor Pilates by Mari Winsor is a favorite. You can slim down, and shape the body. After one work out you can feel, and see a difference. A bonus is, that with Pilates you work the core muscles of your stomach for all of the moves. Thus a flat stomach.

· Fourth, Slim and Thin walking tapes by, Leslie Sansone, with the walk blaster allows you to slim and shape your body, while you walk two miles indoors.

· Finally, another powerful and immediate result video is "Core Secrets" with Gunnar Peterson. As always the bottom-line is the top line. Gunnar designed a work out that utilizes weights, and an exercise ball. This video workout is excellent for shaping, building muscle, and burning calories. Gunnar states this phrase after each exercise, which is a great motivational phrase “I’m Moving on.”

Monday, November 20, 2006

Health and Anger

Keep Good Health by Avoiding "Intense Anger."

"Intense Anger Associated with Potentially Fatal Arrhythmias"

The American Heart Association researchers reported from the "Scientific Sessions 2006", that episodes of anger may cause fatal heart rhythm disturbances.
The researchers' conclusions were based upon the electrocardio graphic data referred to as electrograms from implantable cardiovertors defibrillators, ICDs. The ICDs monitored and recorded the electrical activity of a patients heart and delivered a shock to correct certain life threatening activities. To find out more, go to
It is imperative to monitor stress levels, and utilize strategies to reduce stress.
Here are a few good strategies: take deep breathes, count to ten before the reacting, meditate , and do yoga exercises (or any exercise). Moreover, Dr. Deepak Chopra wrote that when making any decision in life, if you physically feel discomfort, then do not act upon the decision.
Finally, the bottom line, which should be the top line is to"Seek Peace at All Times."

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Secret to a Healthy Holiday - Part III.

Healthy Holidays and Oolong Tea

Did you know that Oolong tea can promote good health and reduce the aging process? Moreover, by drinking just two cups of Oolong tea a day can reduce fat, and fight obesity. Oolong tea originates in Fujian Province, China.

According to the web site, Oolong tea contains the substance polyphenol. The effects of polyphenol identified as "tannin" fights the free radicals in the body, and controls obesity. The research cites controlled experiments with humans and rats. The conclusions showed a definite weight loss. Oolong tea can be purchased at most Chinese stores, and restaurants.

This secret is an Eureka for our Healthy Holidays.

P.s. Search for your BMI now. Drink the tea, and then check your BMI in 6 weeks.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Right to Vote & Democracy

Quotes On Democracy

The Ballot is stronger than the bullet.
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

The highest measure of democracy is neither
the 'extent of freedom' nor the 'extent
of equality, but rather the highest measure of
A d. Benoist

The most common way people give up their
power is by thinking they don't have any.
Alice Walker

It is the mark of an educated mind to be
able to entertain a thought without
accepting it.

Until lions have their historians, tales of
the hunt always glorify the hunter.
African Proverb

If there is no struggle, then there is no progress.
Frederick Douglass

Sunday, November 05, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Holiday? - Part II.

Healthy Holidays Objective: To keep off the extra pounds, and / or maintain weight.

Article Disclaimer:

  • Please Check with your Doctor before beginning any program.
  • I am not endorsing the products for monetary fees.

My Health Status:

I am in good health, and within my weight range. My BMI is 23; My Blood Pressure is normal; My cholesterol is Normal. However, there are times that my weight creeps up to an overage of 5 -7 pounds without daily exercise.

I know what you must be thinking? I hear it all the time when I turn down extra goodies. "You don't have to worry about your weight." Yes, I do. Moreover, it is about maintaining a healthy heart as well. Nonetheless, If you are overweight, why not start now to slim down. You may want to detox your body first. Lime TV hosted an excellent show on how to detox naturally for two days. You may be able to check their listing, or search the web for Lime TV.

I have studied and used the following healthy life style programs that have worked for me.

1) From Prevention Magazine "Fight Fat After 40!"( July 2000) I used this program after trying all the fad diets. Basically the program entails: Eating fish three times a week. Get at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber (1/2 Cup of Fiber One Cereal ), and drink at least one smoothie protein drink a day. Do not forget the fruit and vegetables, and 6-8 glasses of water daily. Finally exercise 4 days a week cardio / weights, and 2 days 45 min of walking, jogging etc.

2) Bob Greene's Book "Get with the Program" Discusses why people over eat, and gets the reader to examine their emotions. Then Bob Greene delves into his program of 2-4-7. Eat 2 servings of fresh fruits. Eat 4 servings of vegetables. Eat no more than 7 servings from the whole grain group of foods. Drink 6-8 glasses of water. In addition, Greene designed an exercise program with weights 4 days a week, and 60 to 75 min. Of aerobic, walking, or jogging, once a week.

3) Dr. Ian Smith, M.D. - "The Fat Smash Diet" I was fascinated by Dr.Smith on the "Celebrity Fit Club." The Celebrities had 30 - 150 lbs to lose. Dr. Ian Smith's diet consist of eating 5 mini meals a day. You can search the web for his menus or check Amazon Books. Dr. Smith also incorporates exercise into his program. This program would only work form me during holidays, and my summers off as a teacher.

For more information on these programs, or check your BMI, please search the web, and / or check out the books. Please comment on how you are doing, or email me. My next article will inform you of my exercise videos that I use during the winter months, and the health benefits from oolong tea.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Holiday? - Part I

Healthy Holidays

As I approach the holiday season this year, the main question
that I am asking myself is: How can I maintain my weight, and
keep a Healthy Heart?

The answer is: exercise and eat in moderate
proportions. Most of us knew the answer, and some
of us practice a healthy lifestyle daily. However, during
the holidays we are enticed by the warm aromas of
allspice, nutmeg, and cinnamon that is infused into
sweet pies, cakes, and cookies.
We anticipate the turkey, ham, or lamb dinner that is
garnished with sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes,
green beans, greens, salads, and my
favorite eggnog (low fat).
We celebrate the holidays at work by attending
holiday parties at our favorite restaurants, and select from
a menu that offers steak, chicken, fish, and fine wines;
We travel to our family and friend's homes near and far; We
sit and watch the children open their gifts; We sit and
watch the football games; We sit in front of a fireplace that is
burning, and listen to wonderful holiday music.
Surffice it to say, it is easy to gain what the statistics state
are 10 - 15 lbs. during the holiday season. I for one have a plan.
I am going to conduct an experiment, and I ask you to join me.
Research states that exercising a minimum of 30 minutes six
days a week can stave off the unwanted pounds.
This article will be my motivation. I will, beginning 11/4/06,
exercise at least 30 minutes each day no matter what.
Actually, I will exercise one hour per day.
Please read my next article "Healthy Holidays Part II."
I will inform you of, which health programs have worked
the best, and the type of excerise that I enjoy.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Genius is Made; Not Born

I first learned of Philip Emeagwali an African mathematican and scientist, while I was studying Calculus III. I was both astonished and delighted with his remarkable discoveries, and with his brilliance. Researching to learn more, I came across an interview where Emeagwali humbly stated that he was not born a genius, but that it was through early study, and hard work that enabled him to reach such accomplishments.

Emegwali stated that his father would have him solve 100 problems everyday. Now, as an educator, that was music to my ears. It was also an inspiration for me to continue to study, and work hard on my endeavors.

Republished From:

Asking: "Who is the Father of the Internet?" is like asking: Who invented the supercomputer that gave rise to the Internet.
In reality, no one individual invented the Internet alone. It has many fathers, as well as mothers, uncles, and aunts. It was not even born at one place or time. Instead, it grew organically and incrementally, following trails that are non-intersecting.

Take the trail of Philip Emeagwali, whom CNN called"A Father of the Internet."
Emeagwali theorized that 65,000 computers around the Earth could forecast the weather. His theoretical supercomputer, with 65,000 nodes, is known today as the Internet.
Using 65,000 processors, he invented a formula that inspired the reinvention of the supercomputer as thousands of electronic brains that occupies the space of four tennis courts.
Bill Clinton explained, in a televised speech (as president) that Emeagwali's formula helped give rise to the age of information.
Yet his invention is one that, unfortunately, few of us recognize. Certainly, inventions such as this deserve better. After all, can you send your email without computers and the Internet?
Theorized Internet-Supercomputer invented by Emeagwali.
Emeagwali's Discoveries Helped REINVENT THE SUPERCOMPUTER
The word "computer" was coined 700 years ago. If history repeats itself, the supercomputer of today will become the computer of tomorrow.

Emeagwali's discovery of a formula that enables supercomputers powered by 65,000 electronic brains called "processors" to perform the world's fastest calculations inspired the reinvention of supercomputers - from the size and shape of a love seat to a thousand-fold faster machine that occupies the space of four tennis courts,costs 400 million dollars a piece, powered by 65,000 processors and that can perform a billion calculations per second.
Emeagwali solved the most difficult problem in supercomputing by reformulating Newton's Second Law of Motion as 18 equations and algorithms; then as 24 million algebraic equations; and finally he programmed 65,000 processors to solve those 24 million equations at a speed of 3.1 billion calculations per second.
Emeagwali's 65,000 processors, 24 million equations and 3.1 billion calculations were three world records that garnered international headlines, made mathematicians rejoice, and caused his fellow Africans to beam with pride.

When Emeagwali won the 1989 Gordon Bell prize, the Nobel Prize of Supercomputing, then-president Bill Clinton called him one of the great minds of the Information Age. The New African magazine readers ranked him as history's greatest scientist of African descent.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Nancy Grace and The Everyday Court Room

I am a fan of Nancy Grace. Nancy Grace can be seen on HNN (Cable Headline News), and Court TV. Nancy displays a keen knowledge of the law. Nancy's experience as an defense attorney, and former prosecutor allows her to fight for the truth and justice on behalf of innocent victims. Moreover, Nancy is an excellent advocate for missing people, especially children and women.
By sheer chance, I saw a spoof on "Saturday Night Live" portraying Nancy Grace ("there is a truth in every joke"). Nancy Grace is becoming very popular.
Last summer I was summoned to jury duty. While listening to the questions that were directed to the prospective jurors, I was taken aback when the defense attorney asked " Do you watch the Nancy Grace Show?'' When the prospective juror answered "yes", the attorney dismissed the juror.
Why can't we watch our favorite news, political, music, religious, soap opera, sports, late night, and the list go on shows, and still remain objective?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The World Series and The Detroit Tigers

It is Tiger Time. Yes, the Detroit Tigers are warming up to play in the World Series, and in no doubt, anxiously awaiting the St. Louis Cardinals.

Bon Chance! To the Tigers.

May the Best Team Win!

Go Tigers.

In the News and a Raised Eyebrow

In the news this week, Diane Sawyer of GMA, traveled to North Korea. All week Ms. Sawyer interviewed and displayed Korea's culture (only what was allowed to view). Some of her viewers called in to ask questions about her experiences in Korea.

One caller asked how could she remain untouched in her verbal and nonverbal expressions, given the fact of how most of the Koreans express their distain, and their lack of interest in the United States? Ms. Sawyer's response in jest was, how could we make a better world if we did not try to work out our differences?

My raised eyebrow was the fact that right after North Korea tested their nuclear bomb, there were reports that there was a very small amount of radiation in the air. For certain, Ms. Sawyer's visit was cleared by both Korea and the United States,and hopefully there will be no ill effects from Diane Sawyer's trip to North Korea.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"Get Ready"

Republished from the Detroit Newspaper Oct. 15, 2006

Dale G. Young / The Detroit News

Tigers players leap onto the field as Magglio Ordonez hits the homer that sends them to the World Series.
Game 4: Tigers 6, A's 3
World Series, here we come!
Walk-off homer by Ordonez

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Go Tigers Detroit, MI

Congratulations to the Detroit Tigers!
By K. Ray

First, Let me state that I knew that the Detroit Tigers Baseball team would be successful early May 2006,when I bought my first Tiger Cap to wear to the eighth grade student and teacher picnic June 2006.

The keen pitching from Kenny Rodgers and J. Bonderman is the epitome of how to win baseball games. Moreover, the great hitting from the team players, and the defensive strategies made for an awesome combination for a great baseteam team this 2006 season.

Furthermore, to see Comerica Park and the Metro Detroit area fans shine with pride, displayed a believeable support for the City of Detroit in my opinion, which should resonant throughout Michigan, and the World.