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Monday, November 20, 2006

Health and Anger

Keep Good Health by Avoiding "Intense Anger."

"Intense Anger Associated with Potentially Fatal Arrhythmias"

The American Heart Association researchers reported from the "Scientific Sessions 2006", that episodes of anger may cause fatal heart rhythm disturbances.
The researchers' conclusions were based upon the electrocardio graphic data referred to as electrograms from implantable cardiovertors defibrillators, ICDs. The ICDs monitored and recorded the electrical activity of a patients heart and delivered a shock to correct certain life threatening activities. To find out more, go to
It is imperative to monitor stress levels, and utilize strategies to reduce stress.
Here are a few good strategies: take deep breathes, count to ten before the reacting, meditate , and do yoga exercises (or any exercise). Moreover, Dr. Deepak Chopra wrote that when making any decision in life, if you physically feel discomfort, then do not act upon the decision.
Finally, the bottom line, which should be the top line is to"Seek Peace at All Times."


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

An interesting article, as intense anger is just not physically, and psychologically worth the stress most of the time.

K.Ray said...

Absolutely, and to some more than others. Thank you for reading my Blog.