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Sunday, November 26, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Holiday? - Part IV.

Healthy Holidays

Look Younger and Stay Healthy; Exercise

It is a few days after Thanksgiving, and thankfully here in Michigan the weather was mild. The weather was great for jogging, shopping, walking, raking leaves, or putting up outdoor holiday decorations. However, the forecast is calling for lower temperatures and seasonal weather.

How do you stay in shape during the holidays, and the winter months? If you do not belong to a health club, or if jogging in extreme temperatures does not appeal to you, stay indoors and work out.

Did you know that just 30 minutes of daily exercise six days a week could stave of the extra pounds, and keep you healthy during the holidays? Moreover, exercise can boost the immune system, therefore cutting down on colds and viruses.

If you have a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptic cycle etc. start now. Exercise 30 minutes each day, and increase the time to 60 minutes as your stamina increases. In addition, use weights to build strong bones and muscles.

If you do not have exercise equipment in your home, I recommend the following exercise videos:

· First, I suggest Yoga Stretches” By Priscilla Patrick. I have worked out with Priscilla Patrick for years. Priscilla can also be seen on Public TV early mornings. For more information visit Note: Stretching before any exercise is suggested; Stretching in the mornings gives energy and prepares the body for the day.

· Second, if you really need to burn calories, build stamina, or get rid of the stress of the day try: Billy Blanks "Ultimate Boot Camp" Series. The series is a powerful and fast way to tone up and lose weight. Note: Take your time with the kicks and punching. You will be able to keep up the second, or third time working out with the videos.

· Third, Winsor Pilates by Mari Winsor is a favorite. You can slim down, and shape the body. After one work out you can feel, and see a difference. A bonus is, that with Pilates you work the core muscles of your stomach for all of the moves. Thus a flat stomach.

· Fourth, Slim and Thin walking tapes by, Leslie Sansone, with the walk blaster allows you to slim and shape your body, while you walk two miles indoors.

· Finally, another powerful and immediate result video is "Core Secrets" with Gunnar Peterson. As always the bottom-line is the top line. Gunnar designed a work out that utilizes weights, and an exercise ball. This video workout is excellent for shaping, building muscle, and burning calories. Gunnar states this phrase after each exercise, which is a great motivational phrase “I’m Moving on.”

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