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Sunday, November 05, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Holiday? - Part II.

Healthy Holidays Objective: To keep off the extra pounds, and / or maintain weight.

Article Disclaimer:

  • Please Check with your Doctor before beginning any program.
  • I am not endorsing the products for monetary fees.

My Health Status:

I am in good health, and within my weight range. My BMI is 23; My Blood Pressure is normal; My cholesterol is Normal. However, there are times that my weight creeps up to an overage of 5 -7 pounds without daily exercise.

I know what you must be thinking? I hear it all the time when I turn down extra goodies. "You don't have to worry about your weight." Yes, I do. Moreover, it is about maintaining a healthy heart as well. Nonetheless, If you are overweight, why not start now to slim down. You may want to detox your body first. Lime TV hosted an excellent show on how to detox naturally for two days. You may be able to check their listing, or search the web for Lime TV.

I have studied and used the following healthy life style programs that have worked for me.

1) From Prevention Magazine "Fight Fat After 40!"( July 2000) I used this program after trying all the fad diets. Basically the program entails: Eating fish three times a week. Get at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber (1/2 Cup of Fiber One Cereal ), and drink at least one smoothie protein drink a day. Do not forget the fruit and vegetables, and 6-8 glasses of water daily. Finally exercise 4 days a week cardio / weights, and 2 days 45 min of walking, jogging etc.

2) Bob Greene's Book "Get with the Program" Discusses why people over eat, and gets the reader to examine their emotions. Then Bob Greene delves into his program of 2-4-7. Eat 2 servings of fresh fruits. Eat 4 servings of vegetables. Eat no more than 7 servings from the whole grain group of foods. Drink 6-8 glasses of water. In addition, Greene designed an exercise program with weights 4 days a week, and 60 to 75 min. Of aerobic, walking, or jogging, once a week.

3) Dr. Ian Smith, M.D. - "The Fat Smash Diet" I was fascinated by Dr.Smith on the "Celebrity Fit Club." The Celebrities had 30 - 150 lbs to lose. Dr. Ian Smith's diet consist of eating 5 mini meals a day. You can search the web for his menus or check Amazon Books. Dr. Smith also incorporates exercise into his program. This program would only work form me during holidays, and my summers off as a teacher.

For more information on these programs, or check your BMI, please search the web, and / or check out the books. Please comment on how you are doing, or email me. My next article will inform you of my exercise videos that I use during the winter months, and the health benefits from oolong tea.

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