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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Aspirin and Vegetables: What Do They Have in Common?

Salicylic acid (SA). Salicylic acid is the same anti-inflammatory compound that is created when aspirin is broken down in the body. Yes, there is aspirin in your vegetables.

According to the "Journal of Clinical Pathology" findings, vegetarians have have higher blood levels of salicylic acid in their bodies. The researchers stated that their findings may be the reason why people who eat more than the average serving of fruits and vegetables tend to have lower "incidences" of cancer and heart disease.

Moreover, the current research states that heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and a host of other diseases are caused by inflammation in the body. Therefore, an anti-inflammatory diet of vegetables can keep us healthy. This is keen knowledge that we should utilize everyday!

Some tips from Dr. Weil on his anti-inflammatory diet:

  • Eliminate margarine
  • Reduce the use of polyunsaturated vegetable oils
  • Increase food sources of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Eat fewer processed foods
  • Reduce the amount of red meat you eat
  • Choose colorful fruits and vegetables
  • Take antioxidant supplements
  • Take low dose aspirin (check with your doctor)
  • Add ginger and turmeric to your cooking

Source "Prevention Magazine"
